The Regulations stipulate epidemiological safety measures at the University of Latvia (UL) in order to ensure safe studies, further education and work, as well as to reduce the risk of UL employees, students and visitors contracting Covid-19, implementing the basic principles of information, distancing, hygiene and monitoring of personal health condition in line with the Cabinet of Ministers Regulation No. 662 issued on 28.09.2021 "Epidemiological safety measures to limit the spread of Covid-19 infection" (hereinafter – CM Regulation No. 662), as well as the restrictions introduced by the Cabinet of Ministers Order No. 720 issued on 09.10.2021 "Regarding Declaration of the Emergency Situation" (hereinafter – CM Order No. 720).

General requirements

Only the persons with a vaccination certificate or a certificate of recovery participate in the study process, performance of work duties or provision of services at the University of Latvia. The persons with the decision of the clinical university hospital council on postponing the vaccination of a person for a certain period of time until the completion of the full vaccination course participate in the study process only remotely.

UL does not organise, participate in, support or promote the participation of students and employees in events and activities requiring or involving onsite presence outside the University of Latvia, as well as restricts the stay of third parties in the premises of the University of Latvia.

In the period from 21.10.2021 to 15.11.2021, inviting visitors or guests to the premises of the University of Latvia is prohibited, with the exception of the representatives of companies and institutions, if they fulfil the obligations specified in an agreement concluded with the University of Latvia or the duties provided for in the regulatory enactments currently in force, observing all the current epidemiological safety requirements in the state and at the University of Latvia.

The duty of UL employees and students during the emergency situation in the state is to comply with the following epidemiological safety measures:

  • to follow the UL administration orders, instructions and recommendations on epidemiological safety measures at the UL made available on the UL website and in the UL e-mail;
  • to follow the recommendations of the Latvian Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (hereinafter – LCDPC);
  • not to congregate in the premises of the University of Latvia;
  • when at the UL premises, to observe a distance of two metres or the maximum possible distance between persons;
  • upon entering and stay in the premises of the UL:
  1. to present to the University of Latvia security officer an interoperable vaccination or recovery certificate and an identification document. Instead of an identification document, it is permissible to present an employee's or student's ID card;
  2. to certify with one’s signature that upon entering the UL premises, the person has no acute symptoms of an infectious respiratory disease and that the person has not been in direct contact with persons subject to isolation, home quarantine or self-isolation;
  3. not to enter or remain at the UL premises with the symptoms of acute respiratory infection or in case of quarantine, isolation or self-isolation;
  4. to monitor one’s own health condition; if an acute respiratory infection with characteristics that correspond to Covid-19 occurs, it must be immediately reported to the head of the structural unit, immediate supervisor of work, study programme director, methodologist or lecturer of the current planned lecture or seminar. Upon experiencing the symptoms, the person must immediately leave the UL premises and contact a doctor;
  5. to promptly report any cases of infection with Covid-19 or risks related to the possibility of contracting Covid-19 to e-mail and telephone (+371) 26189898, as well as to provide the head of the labour protection system with all relevant information for communication with LCDPC;
  6. Masks covering mouth and nose must be worn at the UL premises, except when a person is in the room by her/himself;
  7. to submit and receive correspondence and documents in centralised manner at the Document Management Division of the UL Legal Department (Raiņa bulvāris 19, Riga, room 136).

Organisation of work

The heads of basic structural units in the period from 21.10.2021 to 15.11.2021 organise work remotely, the work on site may be performed only by employees specified by the instruction of the head of the basic structural unit, in compliance with the Cabinet of Ministers Order No. 720 and the restrictions and requirements for full-time work specified in these Regulations:

  • if an employee needs to briefly visit the premises of the University of Latvia (for a time up to 30 minutes), the employee must be included in the list approved by the instruction;
  • if an employee remains on the premises for a long time, the instruction shall indicate the time, room and substantiation of the stay.

Organisation of studies

Within the period from 21.10.2021 to 15.11.2021, the deans of the faculties ensure the implementation of studies remotely in compliance with the epidemiological safety measures specified in CM Regulation No. 662, CM Order No. 720, the current Regulations and other regulatory enactments and administrative decisions in force at the UL, with comprehensive support provided by the UL administration.

It is allowed to organise applied (in an educational institution) and clinical training in the acquisition of vocational education programmes in regulated professions and specialties in the field of health care, including medical residency (in medical institutions).

When organising studies remotely, the dean of the faculty ensures:

  • holding synchronous online classes (including lectures, seminars, language classes, etc.) in the e-learning and Microsoft Teams environment at the time provided in schedule of classes, recording the attendance;
  • implementation of study courses in accordance with the plan specified in the description of study courses, using study organisation forms, methods and examination modes suitable for remote studies and distance learning, ensuring that students can achieve the study results specified in the description of study course;
  • in cases requiring changes in the study course plan, intermediate examinations and final examination specified in the study course description, the lecturer plans the changes in accordance with the study results specified in the study course description, coordinates the proposed solutions with the study programme director and informs students two weeks in advance;
  • in cases when changes in the study programme plan are necessary due to the internship course or applied training course, or its postponement (if it is not possible to remotely organise tasks for internship or applied training courses, or any parts thereof), plan the implementation of another successive study course by including it in the list of classes;
  • efficient communication with students through the UL "Mans portāls" and insertion of the necessary topical study materials in e-study environment.

The UL Department of Information Technology provides:

  • support for the organisation of the study process in the e-study environment and Microsoft Teams environment, including the link between the e-study environment with Microsoft Teams;
  • accumulation of data in e-study environment on the course of distance learning, indicating the date, study course, teaching staff, time and participants, as well as storage of the accumulated data for two years and subsequent deletion;
  • preparation of instructions necessary for remote implementation of the study process, including registration of student attendance, consultations and training upon request.
